Friday, March 13, 2020

Life during wartime...

there is nothing more obsolete than a post about the coronavirus...covid 19...what we know is ever-changing...what we are told by talking heads (all irony attention to this title) sounds like a 4-year-old telling a beginning, no end...just a bloated middle and no punch I looked at twitter to torture see what form of panic is trending...and today's term was boomer remover...yes, the latest generation...gen z...laughingly tweets that boomers have destroyed everything and covid 19 is karma...they are tweeting this on $1000 cell phones that mommy bought who may be a boomer herself...eyeroll please...hey, miss gen z...I too rallied at a generation before me...the silent generation and its patriarchy...I rolled my eyes...and when I felt no one valued me and my world was crumbling below my feet....I blasted the angst of Janis Ian...who was the Alanis Morissette before the Billie Eilish...originality is an overrated term...but I digress...generational finger pointing aside...this is what I do is morally wrong to hide your head in the sand and be cavalier about this is pummeling Italy as I it did in China...don't be misled and have some false sense of security because your youth lets you check a different age box on a doctor's form than me...or those one generation up...and in your fear don't deny anyone their need to pray to their god in this troubled time...or also not to pray...please admit that maybe it's more than time to revere brilliant scientific minds again...from all corners of the globe...and in all languages...because make no mistake...however we get to the other side of this...there will be another virus looming in the we decide to move forward globally on the other side of covid 19 will have enormous ramifications...for all generations...especially those yet to come...this ain't no party...this ain't no disco...this ain't no fooling around...

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