Thursday, May 25, 2023

falling down the rabbit hole...

"down, down, down. would the fall never come to an end!" ...I am having a hard time watching the news...and also, looking away from it...2023 is pushing us over the cliff...Flori-duh is on the precipice of becoming an actual dystopian society...the twit in charge of Twitter is an enabler...New York is being crushed under the weight of the old "give us your poor, your tired"...Nassau county has given this country George Santos...his district a mere strip mall away from me....and the wonderful Nassau County Executive, Bruce Blakeman, who I only can surmise after his pathetic rally in NY this week, rates "Death Wish" as his favorite never stops...the Bronx is not burning, but killing itself with each daily innocent bystander shooting...and it's only May...the old expression...I'm too old for this shit could not be more appropriate...then this week...back in Flori-duh...Amanda Gorman's inaugural poem was banned by a school...the hair on the back of my neck is still standing...a guess it's dumb down the sheep...more compliant for the slaughter...the scariest sound has always been the silence of the lambs...fight back...what happens in one state, can happen in any state...Moms for Liberty, anyone?...remember the last line of "White Rabbit"...feed your head, feed your head...keep it out of the your is complicity...