Friday, December 10, 2021

maybe not just like that...

and just like that I watched the first episode...the much anticipated continuation of the lives of Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda...and the ghost of, how is it?...well, first, as a writer, let me weigh in...I could hear all my professors...workshop compatriots...screaming...SHOW, DON'T TELL...Michael Patrick King and the writers need to go out on that limb...accept the audience has a decent baseline intelligence level...we can follow...don't bog the 41 minutes down with this going to be 10 episodes of mea culpa?...we all know SATC was very also was less than flattering in Charlotte's conversion to Judaism...or in its portrayal of "waspy" old money...and were Stanford and Anthony gay stereotypes...yes...then, trying to right what current cancel culture dictates as wrong...the series risks get strangled as it tiptoes the politically correct minefield...I've been reading comments on Twitter, and elsewhere..."OMG, how could they do that to Big?...uh, wake up...our beloved characters are in their fifties and sixties...and dear Mr. Big already had a cardiac wake-up call way back when...and for the record...Carrie and Big's love story was messy and complicated...much like real life...this death may actually drive the plot...or not...let's see where they take her going forward...but here it is...the real problem rests with some of the show's audience...for women who were in their teens and early twenties watching the aren't where these characters are now in I hate to spout generalizations but you might not get it...whereas the original, with "Sex" blazing in its title...pushed boundaries within the confines of HBO...I am hoping this new chapter pushes boundaries of our dated perception of post-menopausal women...their relationships with significant friends...but most importantly themselves...if the writers can get there without tripping on the clumsiness of our "girls" navigating new territory...well, I'll raise a Cosmo to that...

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