Friday, November 6, 2020

"I don't need your civil war..." feeds the rich while it buries the poor" did we get here? do we stop the do we reach beyond the hype...deplorables...libtards...the seeds were planted long ago...under the watch of Presidents you loved and hated...or ignored while you stood in line for concert turned a blind eye in the eighties...silently embracing the excess...but at what cost...and the divide the time the towers fell the seeds had grown to vines which were holding back so many who wanted to join the success of fellow Americans...and we supported a war in anger and grief...a war that still rages and cripples us...the intellectualism of the last administration was a panacea for many...but stirred the wrath of just as many...and under it all the ugly roots of racism took firmer start yelling at this that is not so...but everyone is racist at some is part of early teaching...I don't necessarily mean your parents...your teachers...but your world during your minds' formation...what you saw...what was subtly indoctrinated...our current President's support and success is born out of rebellion...against moving too quickly away from what many felt to their core was the essence of patriotism...I could understand that to a degree four years ago...I cannot now...but whatever the outcome...we need to reach across the great divide...and for many it is at their dinner table...we are tearing this country down on the world's stage...if we do not trust the process that is our democracy...who will trust will the final act play out as Putin and Kim Jong-un applaud from the cheap seats...

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