Saturday, February 15, 2020

heart smart

there are three days of the year when one should avoid restaurants at all cost...New Year's Eve...overbooked...that table next to you over's Day...have you been to a diner on that Sunday morning?...there are probably more vasectomies scheduled that following week in May than the whole year...and yep...Valentine's Day...but there we were last night..with our 8:30 reservation at a local restaurant we hadn't been to in many you New Yorkers has not been much of a winter yet...(kind of dreading March thinking it will be a shit show)...but just in time for that day of hearts...well, the temperature matched the we opened the door to the restaurant quickly to get out of the cold...and my heart many people jammed around the teeny bar...we checked in and the hostess said..."it would be a little while"...I looked around and thought I would be collecting Social Security before our table would be ready...but it was 8:30 on Valentine' this was it...even with all that body heat...every time the front door opened for more people to jam into this place we were hit with that arctic blast..."would you like to check your coats?"...hell no!...the restaurant hired a singer/keyboard player for the evening...she wasn't bad...taking requests for couples' wedding songs as I played the game "don't get hit in the head with the drink tray"...after a few songs I began to realize what this felt was "The Fabulous Baker Boys", if this singer was Jeff Bridges circa 1988, I would have been a happy camper...or if she were Michelle Pfeiffer circa any year...ditto for some miracle the hostess called our name only a few minutes past 8:30...we were unceremoniously seated at our table as the hostess turned her back to us and disappeared in the crowd...I ordered a drink...the staff was working so hard...the waiter was pleasant...and dinner not bad...the pinot softened hearing "Lady in Red"...again...dessert was sublime...and then it was late and time to bundle and head home...another Valentine's dinner done...I sighed...wonder what they'll have on the menu Mother's Day?

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