Sunday, August 25, 2019


giving up can be least that's what I think the line this age ask the four of us in that conversation what the line was and it would be like the movie "Rashomon"...we were talking about waxing, tweezing, hair dye and get the drift...and as some of us cross the line to retirement...and others think about the prospect in a not too distant future...we, as women, were musing over the effort involved in keeping up...the minutia of appearance...who is it for?...and so the opening line...but, really, the deeper subtext is that ability to finally say...what the hell...screw it...I'll do what I want, when I want, if I want cause I've earned that...and more...lately I have found myself thinking so much about it is squandered...then cherished...thinking about what I have learned, and how much there is still to up can be liberating as a statement in and of itself sounds defeatist...but it is not...when you stop worrying about what you cannot control and focus on being the moment...there is a freedom...ultimately it doesn't matter if you remembered to wax your eyebrows...or get your roots done in time...because if you are present for are present for those you love...and those who love you and need you...and for that I say...amen...and pass the tweezers...

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