Monday, December 18, 2017

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike....

oh, Lord, Freddie have no idea, rest your soul...but these days...Manhattan...midafternoon...well, I don't want my obituary to start with, "death by wheels and wontons"...I understand the healthy aspect...the speed of getting around...the environmental benefit...but every time I go to cross a street...reaching my toes off the curb...I say a silent many gods...all really...who is the patron saint of city walkers? we add to the old mix of delivery people - goods and food...newbies on Citi bikes...who disregard all rules of the road...whee - look at helmet...look at my hair blowing in the wind...blocking my vision! me sail through the red lights...against the traffic...flying through corner after corner...the taxi drivers are even shaking their here's a thought, Mayor rules...every bike has a license...number prominent on the back...every bike rider must have a helmet...I wear a seat, mister beat up wear a can only ride in the bike lanes, same direction as stop at red lights...employ the homeless...arm them with cell phones...let them take pictures of violators as best they can...hey, it's all a dream I know...but it's the thoughts that ruminate as I attempt to cross 6th Avenue, lunch in hand...heart in mouth...the wheels missing me by a foot...the aroma of wonton soup threatening...

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