Friday, March 13, 2015

as the saints go marching in

did you feel it today? was the feeling that the ground was about to sink from the sheer weight of it all...what weight you ask?...the weight of modern day saints...puzzled?...let my fried fifty-something brain lay it out for all became abundantly clear reading a story in the paper about a man attempting to sue an applebee's in nj for burning his face as he leaned over his sizzling fajitas to pray...glad i read this because if i heard this while driving then i would have laughed so hard that i would have missed the five hundred potholes in front of me and blew out my tires....but it points to the fact that we live in a society where every individual feels blameless...surely it is always the fault of someone else...from anti-bullying assemblies where the most vicious bully wears the feigned smile pledging to be kind while furiously posting with the hidden the person ranting about the dui accident in his beautiful hamlet while running out of fingers to count recalling all the times driving home after more than a few at happy hour...the political experts among your circle ranting and never voting...people who blame those of other faiths for all life's ills who never step into their own houses of worship...the earth is sinking from the weight of this self-appointed sainthood...and maybe this long winter has left me a bit introspective...then again, maybe this spring all would be a little lighter if we did a little soul searching...a little soul cleaning, as it were...then maybe we could cut our fellow men and women a little slack...realize that each individual is flawed...including ourselves...and by accepting this and taking responsibility we lighten that time for summer...

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