Monday, March 10, 2014

on lions...and lambs...

somewhere between the inane olympic commentary...and (the bachelor) juan pablo's brain-numbing assurances of..."it's okay"...all isn't okay as i suddenly find myself sliding towards the infamous ides of last rant to all who read was dated february 17th??? the hell did a whole month go by?...or almost a quarter of 2014...i am beginning to think that i am creatively a bear...and with that first burst of icy cold my brain hibernates...or maybe not a bear?...through circumstances of work and weather i have missed my weekly writer's group for the better part of this winter...and today as i edited one lonely poem to read tomorrow, i began to ponder the unthinkable...was there any juice left in my creative veins?...was i done??...a list of poetry contests to enter...I became more miserable with each poem i if each one was just a lamb to the slaughter...this sunday is purim...another one of the jewish holidays that is essentially...they tried to kill us, we won, let's eat...but maybe not...i mean queen esther was really such a bad-ass diva...maybe it's time to channel my queen esther...pull a lion out from behind my lancomed-mask...a poem that will roar...yeah, this sunday i'll drink a little wine, summon the creative spirits and hit the send button!...happy purim (and happy st. pat's)..see you in spring

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