Sunday, June 16, 2013

snap crackle...pop...

another father's day coming to a i looked at facebook today and saw all the pictures looking back at me...all the dads...recent pictures and vintage black and who i do not know...and those i remember well...i couldn't help but feel a little catch in my throat when i read the words that were with all those pictures...i felt a kinship with these friends and family...our memories both vivid and vague...and the desperate need to hold on to them...and so at a family barbeque today as i watched my nieces and nephew, and my daughter...spending time and laughing with their dads...i took a moment or two to remember mine...and the pictures that played in my head were fast and furious and kind of out of order...and then vague...and i began to resent that other father....father time...realizing how powerless i was in some ways to the reality of aging...and so today i grabbed this laptop to write...and vowed to keep writing...we need to keep telling our stories...and as best we can the stories of fathers who can't write them down anymore...and if i wrote this one while inhaling a chocolate egg cream...all the better to keep my story going...and that of my father, carl...he wouldn't have it any other way...

1 comment:

  1. Difficult day without Dad, but kind of spent it with him. Had a drink with cousin Gary who is as close as I could get .
