and, so, we approach Earth Day is going to be about 85 degrees this April 13th on Long Island...t-shirts and shorts and the trees are just budding...nothing much to worry about...superstition rules these days for me...after a non-winter in New York...the half-empty girl wonders about spring...worries about summer...wildfires lighting up New Jersey now...should we think about monster hurricanes here on Long Island this summer?...our exit road, the original highway to hell...then I stop and think about this earworm playing in my head this morning...this one for the nostalgic, half-full girl...1970 and the genius that was Sly Stone..."everybody is a star"...I don't remember even hearing it recently, but there it was as I woke today..."everybody is a star, one big circle goin' round and round" much of life is trying to swim forward...not let the current drag you much is out of your control...beyond your reach...and I think about these lyrics..."you don't need darkness to do what you think is right"...and so, Mother Earth...I will keep my thermostat...walk more, drive less...and as I pour that glass each day...I will try to keep writing...the poems...this blog...the emails and letters to those who do good in government...remind them why they are there...and to those who are there for ego tripping...write to poke the conscience...if there is one...and write to remind people to think with their head not their fear...and live accordingly..."'til the sun that loves you proud when the system tries to bring you down"...not a bad earworm...