Monday, November 11, 2019

merrily we roll along...

the lions are is the 21st century fall of our Roman Empire and we are battling for our sanity...or at least to not be "cancelled" or thrown to the hungry lions with one "ok boomer" tweet...we mock the younger generation...they resent us with a fierceness that is unsettling...and all of it done on a worn living room couch...tweeting on the latest phone made in China while McDonald's delivers...progress...and the holiday season is upon us...earlier and earlier because bottom lines are vanishing...and the world is burning...but I keep thinking about something I saw in Port Authority about a week are laughing because if you've been in any of New York's main transit hubs you are also thinking to yourself...surprise me because I have seen it all...maybe you already are immune to military fatigues and loaded and women who stand guard while the crowds shove've seen the homeless sprawled out on staircases and subway benches...screaming in rest rooms for no apparent reason...inching closer to you as trains roll in the station as the sweat beads your forehead this the day I get pushed...evaluating those around you...would they pull me to safety...and the whole time trying not to inhale...this is our New York...this is our ancient Rome falling...and so it was when I was weaving through humanity on a Monday rush hour eve...navigating through Port door and a staircase away from the subway when I felt his presence to my left...a large disheveled homeless a hurry...rolling a beat-up office chair...why? really puzzled me...I kept thinking about him as I pushed my way onto a downtown C train...C meaning "c if you can breathe"...where the hell was he taking the chair?...where did he find it?...was it wedged in the trash between the piles of discarded Starbucks coffee cups?...the lions keep think throwing an impossible burger at them will keep them at bay?...maybe I should have asked that guy with the he rolled into November darkness...swept away with the masses...heads screens dotting the night...