Wednesday, November 30, 2016

november rain

it could be snow...such is the rationale i use while additionally wishing my car was a boat...november's monthly average rain in two days...hypnotized by the wipers at red lights, my mind wanders...and i become increasingly depressed realizing we are one month from the end of another many resolutions and plans can you squeeze into 31 days?...maybe easier to carry them forward...swish swish i have clothes at the cleaners?...swish swish swish...passing fairway...swish swish swish...what the hell should i make for dinner?...swish swish swish...what were those resolutions made in january?...was i serious or trying to hold back time?...ah, this sad as chapin's "taxi" playing on the radio...almost home...think i'll grab the afghan, a cup of chamomile and close my eyes...daydream...a sunny may afternoon...petty's "running down a dream" blasting...resolutions beckoning in a blue endless sky...

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

suffragette city...

i suppose reading this you might find it strange...blogging before the outcome of the election...but you see for me it's the bigger picture...or smaller...we stand in line today as a nation is may get uglier in days to come...possible recounts...maybe a gore vs. bush nightmare again...but that is not the real issue...the real issue is where do we go from here as a many are amazed that we are at this point...vitriol...mob mentality...and it stirs something very unsettling within me...maybe it's after seeing "denial" a few days ago...or turning away from continued reports of rising anti-semitism around the globe...and on our campuses...maybe it's because of what campaign rhetoric has brought to the surface...or maybe it's because tomorrow is the anniversary of kristallnacht...and so many people do not even know what that is...and the knot twists when i realize that many future generations may never know what it was and meant because of how easily our histories are rewritten in the age of instant information and blind acceptance...and so now do i need to defend all i am?...isn't it enough that we all see our children the same way...wish for them the same makes me did we get here do you put out the fire of hatred...i pause...later i will exercise the 19th amendment...but sadly wonder...where is the amendment that will eradicate hate at the core...maybe this...put down the phone...breathe deep...crack a book