Saturday, September 19, 2015

everybody's talking at me...

and i don't hear a word they're it is...i was driving today and in front of me was this had the decals on the back...representing the know...cute little boys...girls...kitties...doggies...but after i lost count of the kids and pet decals i thought...where is this suv going?...cause when it parks i'm thinking of leaving a pack of trojans on the hood...oh, yeah, half of you are cracking up and the other half are yelling at your phones...and there it is in a nutshell... the conundrum of political correctness...and now in the political quagmire that presidential elections stir...i am wondering...which came first the chicken or the egg...the prejudice masquerading as political incorrectness...or the assertion that no one is ever wrong, we all receive a free pass...the guilty, and innocent...all to atone for past sins of political incorrectness...and this leaves me baffled...if everyone would just hit the damned pause button, and look in the mirror...if everyone did a little soul searching...would there really be anyone left waiting at those pearly gates?...l'shanah tovah to all...peace in your soul this new year...

Friday, September 4, 2015

think about the sun, pippin...

it is labor day the blink of an eye, summer winds down...oh, i know she is not gone yet...she will roast us a few more times...probably around the jewish holidays when my tan toes will squish and cry in skin prickle in exasperation under the weight of wool-blends...but now, it is squirrel time...time to soak it in down to your core...and store it away deep inside...really open your eyes to september sunsets...ignore that moon grinning at you all too early in the evening...don't admit to anyone how you looked more than once at the rich palette of autumn colors tempting you in stores everywhere...crimson, burnt orange, chestnut...or how you closed your eyes and thought of the pungent aroma of pumpkin, now is the time for a crisp chardonnay or iced beer late in the day...september, always the ultimate transitional month...even if there is no one in your home heading back to school...we all head back to reality...a time when we harvest our summer dreams...hold them tight to nourish us in the dark that comes after fall...when we dream about the beauty in one perfect flame...ah, yes, pippin think about the sun...