Sunday, May 5, 2013

baby, you can drive my car

i seemed to have been in my car a lot this past week...mostly driving in "circles"...picking up...dropping off...early in the week there i was...incredibly fatigued...failing to double-check my rear window and hitting a neighbor's (illegally parked car)...his car fine...mine eh...which made me more painfully attuned to all around me the rest of the week...and the horrible state of driving in my zip code...which in turn made me painfully aware of everyone around me everywhere i on line in target...the people...not cute and perky like the commercial...more like an episode of "wife swap" or the real housewives of carle place...then the movies last night at the multiplex...i was just happy that there was a movie i wanted to see since the "oscar" rush..."mud"...a good movie with a small indie feel and a wonderful matthew mccconaughey who will probably be overlooked at next year's award season...anyway, the theater was packed...i looked around and thought bloomberg would have a total stroke and keel over if he saw this sight...popcorn buckets large enough to feed a third world nation...and sodas large enough to induce instant diabetic shock...greasy box loads of fries and nuggets of indeterminate substances...after the 30 minutes of previews, one that i remember seeing a full year ago...can you say bomb?..i thought wistfully...well maybe the sounds of popcorn rustling in boxes...soda slurping...nuggets crunching would be done...and when the movie started it was...mostly...but then there she was...the know her...or him...the person at the movies who feels the need to loudly announce who is now on screen...or what may or may not happen next...yes, she was in range as we heard..."that's reese witherspoon" was then that i secretly prayed she had more popcorn or soda or anything to shut her up...and finally she did...when the movie was over and the credits rolled mike informed me that we could not exit to the right as the woman a few seats down had knocked over the remains of her keg of coke all over the we made our way out of the lot i saw the requisite car going through what was now clearly a red light...i closed my eyes and dreamed of a cottage on the edge of oblivion...ocean in the distance...and words pouring from my fingertips...yeah, baby you can drive my car!

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