Monday, August 13, 2012

rachel getting married

last night after watching the olympics closing ceremony...and btw...couldn't katy perry make one of the conditions of her divorce be that russell brand can never open his mouth again?...i flipped through the evening news...all newscasts had the same news...never good...with the same teaser and head perked up...maybe the upcoming finale of the ceremony would have the stones and know...those lesser british musical icons...but no...lo, and behold...jennifer aniston is getting married...again...and in case we've been brain dead for the better part of the last decade...she's beating her know, that guy...oh, yeah...brad the alter...or so she thinks...because we all know when that ground-breaking news broke angelina was kicking his ass out of bed and speed-dialing rent-a-minister...somewhere aniston's agent is kvelling...realizing that this news makes us get misty-eyed and we'll forget that her post-"friends" career, although not a box-office nightmare, has...for the most part...except for a small gem, "the good girl"...been a critical nightmare...but for now, she can focus on the wedding...maybe leave the one-star reviews to kate hudson...but jennifer should watch out for the thud at the front door...that would be angelina tossing the kids out of the car as she bolts for the wedding chapel with brad...

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